Through her minimalistic round art forms, she focuses on the idea of eternal movement. In her current series ‘Through the Brass Eye of the Beholder, she evokes a certain feeling in the viewer through her use of color, visual depth, texture, and natural flow.
The techniques she uses to draw the beholder in to take a closer look and encourage them to take a step back and observe the piece as a whole. Corine constructs her art pieces with layers of different mediums, including acrylic paint, natural pigment powder, and ink. She finishes the work off with a thin layer of epoxy. The epoxy reflects the surroundings to the beholder, stimulating them to reflect on what they see and, more importantly, what they feel. Each piece is encased in a brass ring. In a way, each brass ring is hand-polished, caressed like a lover. Corine has chosen to brush and polish the brass rings manually, symbolizing the embrace and repetitive love and attention. Like love, this has “imperfections” when you look closer. You can almost see where each stroke starts and ends.
From this perspective, Corine moves herself through both fields, presenting her work at Art Fairs, in Galleries, and at interior Design events worldwide.

Corine Van Voorbergen
Connected by a Kiss' The fragility and strength of a kiss.

Corine Van Voorbergen
Mixed media, acrylic paint, natural pigment powder, ink and expoy, messing