For Dutch duo VANTOT, it's all in the name. Literally translated from Dutch to mean 'from to,' VANTOT focuses on the entire process, starting with a technique and ending with the product. The pair, Sam & Esther, strives to find new applications for innovations in everyday life, and it's not only new-found technologies that have seized their interest. Serving as a guiding light in the duo's work, antiquated techniques are put to good use in modern-day outlets, mutually benefiting from today's updated knowledge base. Take electricity. Although light bulbs have been around for centuries, innovations – such as the rise of LEDs – have made continuous evolution possible. And today, electronic devices operate on much lower voltages than ever before, significantly decreasing their hazardous aspects. While direct contact with electricity and light used to be a no-go, recent developments illuminate new realms for the old technology.
In 2014, Esther Jongsma and Sam van Gurp founded Vantot in Eindhoven. Electricity is a prevalent fixture in Jongsma and van Gurp’s designs and aligns with the pair’s belief that the role of a designer is to connect past and present craftsmanship as well as different industries.