One Well Known Sequence | 10 | Suspension Light

This collection of fixtures uses the standard unit of the light tube as a measure. Through the alternation of 1m and 0.5m modules, it creates a rhythmic language of recording space. The designs evolve as a parallel progression of rods, combining five variations of standard linear LED bulbs and metal tubes of the same diameter. With this series, Michael Anastassiades expands the compositional possibilities of some of the most structural elements of lighting, engaging the viewer in a rigorous yet playful exercise in measuring.

Dimensions: W99.7 CM
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Michael Anastassiades is a Cypriot-born, London-based designer whose practice encompasses product, spatial interventions and experimental works, often transcending the distinctions between different fields of creativity. Anastassiades’ practice contemplates both industrial production and artisan techniques. In doing so, it expands into a vivid, nuanced balance between improvisation and structure, control and intuition. With a career spanning more than 20 years, Anastassi... Read more Fill 1 Copy 7