Tube | Chandelier

The Tube Chandelier was designed in 2006 as the first light for the Michael Anastassiades collection. The design for this fixture began as an exercise of subtraction. The challenge was to suspend the minimum number of incandescent light tubes in a sculptural configuration to form a vertical chandelier. The supports needed to be discreet so when lit, only three glowing lines would be seen.

Dimensions: W32.6 H100 CM
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Michael Anastassiades is a Cypriot-born, London-based designer whose practice encompasses product, spatial interventions and experimental works, often transcending the distinctions between different fields of creativity. Anastassiades’ practice contemplates both industrial production and artisan techniques. In doing so, it expands into a vivid, nuanced balance between improvisation and structure, control and intuition. With a career spanning more than 20 years, Anastassi... Read more Fill 1 Copy 7