Empyrean Suspended 02

In ancient cosmologies, the Empyrean was believed to be a heavenly place in the highest of heavens, occupied by the element of fire. The warm glow of the ceiling light Empyrean suspended 02 pays homage to this antiquated concept, as Gallée experiments with light through material hues, transparency, and luminosity.

Dimensions: W200 D38 H45 CM
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Laurids Gallée is an Austrian designer based in Rotterdam, Netherlands. From early childhood he was exposed to creative practices, and after briefly studying anthropology, he graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2015. He spent the following years learning different manufacturing techniques, as a craftsman in art and design production. In 2017 he started his own studio in Rotterdam; his work explores traditional and folkloric elements to enter modern materiality, whil... Read more Fill 1 Copy 7